All Those Notes 092 - Carl Stalling

American musical genius.

American musical genius.

All Those Notes 091 - Debussy

"He brought a new kind of beauty into the world." (Pierre Boulez)

"He brought a new kind of beauty into the world." (Pierre Boulez)

All Those Notes 090 - Villa-Lobos

Brazil's most famous composer.

Brazil's most famous composer.

All Those Notes 089 - Theremin

Unique, mesmerizing and hypnotic.

Unique, mesmerizing and hypnotic.

All Those Notes 088 - Granados

One of the leading Spanish composers of the 'Beautiful Age'.

One of the leading Spanish composers of the "Beautiful Age".

All Those Notes 087 - Butterworth

A composer of great promise - unfulfilled.

A composer of great promise - unfulfilled.

All Those Notes 086 - Enescu

"One of the greatest geniuses of modern music." (Pablo Casals)

"One of the greatest geniuses of modern music." (Pablo Casals)

All Those Notes 085 - Overture

Opener, curtain raiser, and concert piece.

Opener, curtain raiser, and concert piece.

All Those Notes 084 - MacDowell

The American Grieg.

The American Grieg.

All Those Notes 083 - Ives

This maverick did not write "pretty" music.

This maverick did not write "pretty" music.

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